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@ 조리시간 1H~ @ 준비재료 - 돼지등갈비 12쪽 - 양파 1/2개 - 맛술 1/2컵 - 대파 1/2컵 - 모짜렐라치즈 - 간장 3T - 고추장 1T - 물엿 2T - 설탕 1T - 다진마늘 1/2T - 고춧가루 1T @ 만드는 방법 1. 냄비에 물을 넣고 끓어오르면 등갈비를 넣고 약 10분간 삶아주세요 2. 잡내제거를 위해 맛술 1/2컵을 넣어주세요 3. 설탕1T, 고춧가루1T, 간장3T, 다진마늘1/2T, 고추장1T, 물엿2T를 넣고 양념장을 만들어주세요 4. 양파 1/2개를 채썰어주세요 5. 10분간 삶아준 등갈비를 냄비에 가지런히 담은 후 물 3컵을 넣어주세요 6. 만들어준 양념장과 채썬양파와 대파를 넣고 센불에서 약 40분간 졸여주세요 7. 국물이 다 졸았다면, 취향껏 치즈를 뿌려 녹여서 먹으면 완성!! TIP) 커피, 월계수, 청주, 로즈마리 등등 잡내제거에 좋은 재료는 모든 OK! @ Cooking time 1H~ @ Ready material - Page 12 of pork back ribs. - 1/2 onions. - 1/2 cup of wine. - 1/2 cup green onion - Mozzarella cheese. - 3T of Soy sauce - 1T of red pepper paste. - 2T of starch syrup - 1 T of sugar. - 1/2T minced garlic - 1T of red pepper powder @ How to make 1. Put water in a pot and when it starts to boil, add back ribs and boil for about 10 minutes. 2. Add 1/2 cup of cooking wine to remove the smell. 3. Add 1T of sugar, 1T of red pepper powder, 3T of soy sauce, 1/2T of chopped garlic, 1T of red pepper paste, and 2T of starch syrup and make a marinade. 4. Julienne 1/2 onions. 5. Put the boiled back ribs in a pot for 10 minutes and add 3 cups of water. 6. Add the marinade, shred onions and green onions and simmer for about 40 minutes over high heat. 7. If the soup is all drowsy, you can melt the cheese to your taste and eat it! TIP) Coffee, laurels, rice wine, rosemary, etc. All ingredients good for weed removal are OK!

Posted by realty